Bunions: Causes and Treatments

Not only are they embarrassing and displeasing to the eye, they could be unnecessarily hurtful.

A bunion can be described as a painful bump on your big toe, often caused by uncomfortable shoes and can even be hereditary. Seen mostly in women, bunions are often seen as impossible to get rid of, resulting in people often shying away from bunion treatment in Sydney or even consultations.

Bunion correctors and bunion splints are very much treatable and the idea of them being an irreversible deformity couldn’t be further from the truth, a treatment option often used is custom orthotics.

Understanding the Causes

To treat anything, you must first know the cause behind it. Bunion surgery in Sydney have a wide range of causes,including:

  • Poorly fit shoes: Perhaps the most common cause, poorly fit shoes are the leading reason as to why a bunion may form. If not, it most definitely aids in the development of a bunion if it didn’t cause it initially. The overlapping of toes in tight shoes constricts the foot to a confined space, and often pushes toes to take up an uncomfortable position. Wearing these often enough can result in a bone deformity, consequentially leading to a bunion or foot pain treatment in Sydney.
  • It’s all in your genes: Now, ill-fitting shoes aren’t the only culprit. Perhaps the bigger offender here is your genes. Not something many want to hear, considering you can’t alter your genetic makeup. However, all hope is not lost and treatments are readily available to tackle this issue and heel spur treatment in Sydney as well.
  • Neuromuscular Conditions and illnesses: Bunions are not always independent of a medical condition. In fact, most bunions formed in men occur due to neuromuscular conditions such as polio. These bunions are usually diagnosed earlier on as the cause for these bunions is very much clear, often orthotics in Sydney might also address the issue.

Treatments and Precautions

Before you go and take matters into your own hands, it’s best to consult a medical practitioner before seeking any kind of treatment. By doing this, you’ll be advised better and can understand the causes for your bunion more clearly.

  • Ask yourself if your shoes make you uncomfortable. Most of the time, people overlook this and “go with it” often at times to make use of pricey shoes or shoes they’ve never worn. At times, the fabric of your shoes can also cause great discomfort. If this is the case, wear wide open shoes!
  • Don’t purchases shoes that are too tight for you. Not all shoes are tight or ill-fitting, so make sure you take your time when trying shoes on.
  • Know when it’s time to get a surgery: This advice would probably come from a medical consultant, as they would know better the intensity of your bunion or plantar fasciitis treatment Sydney. This is usually advised if the patient has difficulty walking even after changing their footwear for a short period of time. A surgery would bring back your toe to its original position. There are different surgeries to treat different forms and levels of bunions, with a long road to recovery afterward.

Custom Orthotics & Bunions in Sydney develop gradually, over a long period of time. Hence, it’s safe to say that it’s never too late to start treating our feet much like we do our hands.