A Physiotherapist Is a Doctor of Physical Therapy

Physiotherapist Concord is a licensed and trained therapist who assists individuals suffering from injuries or disabilities that affect the functioning of their musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapists must have a Bachelor’s degree in physiological sciences, physical therapy and rehabilitation. They also hold a certification from the American Board of Physical Therapy. Physiotherapists in Burwood specialize in specific areas of body therapy, such as sports medicine, geriatric, neurological, orthopedic, cardiovascular, pediatrics and other specialized areas.



A physio can provide treatment for adults, children, and infants, with many specializing in treating athletes and those involved in contact sports. Most physio courses encompass anatomy, diagnostic procedures, diagnostic testing, pain management, exercise testing, kinesiology, physiology, nutrition, rehabilitation, and injury prevention. Injuries are frequently attributed to improper movement, muscle imbalances, or poor posture, and a qualified physio can identify these conditions and provide effective rehabilitation and stretching programs to correct them. For individuals seeking knee pain treatment in Haberfield specifically, physiotherapists in the area may offer tailored solutions to address localized issues and promote overall wellness.


There are many different types of professional physiotherapists, including those who perform therapeutic exercise, perform diagnostic procedures, manage acute and chronic injuries, and provide rehabilitation services. They are often involved in preventing injuries by educating athletes about safety and helping them to properly warm up and cool down before, during and after exercise. Sports medicine specialists may prescribe special shoes or other equipment to prevent muscle strain or injury. They evaluate and monitor athletes as part of a sports team and help to plan out their training programs and development of a program for recovery. Some physios specialize in pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics and neurology, providing care for the whole patient.


A person can go to a general practitioner or an NHS clinic for regular checkups and treatments, or they can choose a physiotherapist who will tailor their care to the needs of the patient. A nurse specializing in physiotherapy is also called upon by the NHS to provide assessments and treatments when needed. Many NHS hospitals have a physiotherapist within the department of rehabilitation services. Some NHS Trusts hire additional staff to fill roles such as monitoring appointments, handling confidential medical data and dealing with disputes between patients and staff.


A number of universities and colleges now offer specialized courses in sports and health to professionals interested in becoming physios. The National University of Sports Medicine and the Academy of Physical Therapy are examples of universities that provide study programs for future physiotherapists. Other schools work towards integrating physiotherapy and sports medicine through joint ventures and partnerships. Certification by the National Board of Examiners (NBEO) and the American Council on Exercise serve as credentials that further professional advancement can be achieved. Further education is required to become certified to do the techniques and medications that are specific to each patient.


In addition to treating pain, injured muscles and bones, a physiotherapist also evaluates movement and the range of motion of patients, using tools like resistors and extenders to test muscle strength and flexibility. They can teach affected individuals how to handle stress and strain by using stretches and exercises designed for recovering from traumatic injuries or pain. A variety of machines are available to help patients move more efficiently, including elliptical trainers, treadmill trainers, rowing machines and Pilates machines. A physiotherapist can also provide advice about physical therapy, which helps injured individuals regain normal function of their movements.