What Is a Podiatrist?

A podiatrist is a type of doctor that specializes in foot and ankle disorders. These specialists are primarily trained to diagnose and treat these conditions in a non-surgical setting. Originally from North America, podiatrists specialize in a variety of other foot and ankle problems. A podiatrist is a specialist in the treatment of these foot and ankle disorders. Listed below are some facts about this type of doctor.


A student who wants to study podiatry is encouraged to pursue post-graduate training, which requires four years of post-secondary education. In this program, he or she will learn about the anatomy and diseases of the feet, and perform minor surgical procedures. After graduating, a student will practice in a hospital, where he or she will receive training in diagnosing and treating patients. The postdoctoral residency program also includes training in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with foot injuries.

A podiatrist can specialize in foot and ankle disorders. In some countries, the profession is practiced as a specialized specialty. In the United States, podiatrists are called “podiatric surgeons.” In Canada, it is commonly known as “chiropody.” However, in other countries, the definition of a podiatrist differs. Some countries recognize the DPM as the highest level of education for this field.

A doctor of podiatry specializes in a range of foot and ankle problems. They also treat bone and joint problems in the feet, and they can specialize in sports medicine or dermatology. In the United States, the first professional society was established in 1895. The profession also has a number of specialty societies and schools, including one for pediatrics and academies. A third type of physician is a chiropodist.

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In the United States, there are nine schools that are officially accredited to train and educate podiatrists. Depending on the school, a podiatrist can practice medicine in all 50 states. A commissioned officer in the military may practice podiatry as well. Many states license and academies of a state’s board of medicine. If you have an advanced degree, you can become a physician or a commissioned officer in the armed forces.

Conditions they can treat include Plantar Fasciitis Klemzig, Plantar Fasciitis Prospect, Plantar Fasciitis Unley and Plantar Fasciitis Manningham.

A doctor of podiatry can diagnose and treat foot and ankle problems through examination. During the first visit, a doctor of podiatry will check your foot and ankle range of motion. A qualified practitioner can diagnose and treat problems like ingrown toenails, bunions, and flat feet. They may even recommend surgery for children with flat feet. They can also help with growing pain. They will check if you have any foot deformities.

Licensed doctors of podiatry can practice a variety of surgical procedures. In addition, they have extensive training in biomedical sciences, such as human physiology and anatomy. They can perform a variety of surgical procedures on children. If you have a child with special needs, a doctor of podiatry can help them. The doctor of podiatry can diagnose, manage, and treat any health issue.